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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't be that fantasy sports guy...

Fantasy sports… I know it is more than just baseball, but today is technically MLB’s opening day with a regular season game being played overseas in Japan? After hearing some guys around the office today, all I can think of is a fantasy sports team owner being eager to see how their draft translates to fantasy league play and talking about their team to anyone who will listen. Don't get me wrong, I do not mind talking about people's fantasy team once in a while, I like talking sports, but, when it gets to the point of that is the only thing you talk about, I get extremely annoyed. At times it gets to the point of where I want to soak a washcloth in chloroform and place it over their mouth, hoping they pass out… unless they're going to cut me in on their winnings... In that case, I'll listen all day, if it's a substantial amount of cash.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Happy Meal Ordeal

Through my writings, we have established that I am an asshole, and I am OK with that. I can show little or no empathy for others without blinking an eye, but I do have a chink in my armor. When it comes to my son… my love is unconditional. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my son smile and making him happy. His smile melts my cold and blackened heart, which is why I can get extremely irritated when he gets disappointed. This brings me to our weekly visit to get a Happy Meal at McDonald’s…

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Even an asshole can be vulnerable.

I really do not have much to say lately. I’ve had a case of writers block as far as my blogs go, I’ve been unusually quiet and tame on twitter. You may be thinking, what is wrong with me. Actually, there is nothing wrong with me. For once in my life, I am at peace. When I am at peace, I am generally quiet. What is that saying about not waking a sleeping giant? This is peace is an unfamiliar territory for me as I have spent the majority of my life angry at the world. How long with this cease-fire with the world last? Who knows? If history has anything to say about this lull in my aggression, it will not last for long.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ask an Asshole - Someone had a problem with a waitress.

I really have had no motivation to write lately. As I’ve said before, when I am at peace I am not at my best, I’m simply just there. I cannot write when I am at peace… It’s just not very entertaining and does not grasp the whole asshole concept that I have within my writing. How do I cure this type of writers block? I scan newspaper columns to find what is on the mind of the elitists that I despise so much and the idiots of the world. Here is another Ask an Asshole column!