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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Some comments deserve their own blog.

I encourage my readers to leave comments, I want to know what you guys are thinking, I like to hear feedback. But, I am combative by nature. So when someone fires off a remark that I do not agree with, I am going to make a rebuttal statement. My last piece on the professional athlete whose Twitter account was used by his “girlfriend” has generated quite a bit of feedback… One in particular response warranted some individualized attention. Below is her comment, followed my reply.

“My opinion on the subject is that you appear to be one of those individuals who are mad because you failed at life so you crap on people because you are envious. Only someone who truly hates themselves would take the time to trash someone they do not even know. The fact that you use swear words constantly does not make you a badass because after the first 3 they lose meaning and then you began to sound like a 2 year old who heard a bad word for the fist time and can't help himself but to use it. Also how do you know you got under his skin? He could have been smart enough to realize that only someone who is dumb enough to call themselves an idiot or an asshole is not worth his time. Like the piece of crap you are he wiped you off his shoe and kept going. Everyone has a right to an opinion but by no means are you the king of mindless assholes who find pleasure in being an idiot you are just another douche who is trying to ride his coattails to success. And at this I leave the blog and will never return again because I will not contribute to the stupidity of others. Karma is a bitch so watch yourself.”

Oh where do I start with you? First of all, you do not know anything about me and by judging on your comment, I’m not sure that you know much about yourself either. Do you even realize that you are chock full of hypocritical tendencies? You and I may not be so different...

You make a remark about my usage of “swear words” then continue to use unpleasant words such as crap, bitch and douche… granted they are not categorized under George Carlin’s seven words that you can’t say, but they are hostile none the less. Have you ever watched a comedian that uses cuss words? Some of them use them often… Some people may find my find my pieces to by funny even though you may not. Do you expect me to use legal jargon that I would use in my professional life in my writing? I can do that, but I just do not think that it would have the same comedic effect to my audience. My brand of nonsense is not for anyone and I know this, I do not profit from this, I do it because it is a fun and it is stress release for me. Do you even know how to have fun? It comes in all sorts of different forms for a variety of people just in case you were unsure of that. 

You asked how do I know that I got under his skin, well… he responded in a harsh manner and then proceeded to block me. I’d say that is enough evidence to qualify as getting under someone’s skin. You also go on to mention riding someone else’s coattails to success… Hello!!! That is what opinion columnists feast on and do for a living. Granted I am not a professional columnist, but I write opinion pieces. Are you that blind to realize the fact that people who write opinions need an topic to grasp onto… even if that includes riding others successes and failures. Yes, I mention in my blog that I am the one with things to gain, but for me… that translates to getting more readers. Believe it or not, I do feel humbled by the amount of readers I have. I am thankful and grateful that they take the time to read what I have to rant about each week. 

But let me get into the portion where you make the biggest hypocritical ass of yourself… to quote you ”Only someone who truly hates themselves would take the time to trash someone they do not even know.” What did you just do to me in your comment? Does is sound familiar at all? You also stated that “because you failed at life so you crap on people because you are envious”, “Like the piece of crap you are” and “you are just another douche”… This all sounds like you are making assumptions about me just as you accused me of doing to others. Interesting is it not? Do you hate yourself? Does seeing my words bring up feelings of inadequacy that you may sequester for yourself? There I go again making assumptions about someone I do not know, I just cannot help myself.

How do you actually judge a person’s success in life since you have seemed to feel that I am a failure of some sort? Is it because I am not a professional athlete or a famous writer, is that why you feel I have not reached a certain amount of success in life? I can put together coherent sentences and wipe my own ass, which is more than I can say for some... So how is it that I am a failure at life with that being said?

Just to let you know, my son is my greatest success in life. The fact I am a good parent to him is all that one needs to know about me as far as levels of success goes, but since we are on that note, let me expand a bit. The fact that I AM working with the law which is what I perused in my secondary education displays another level of success. I was able to achieve a professional goal that I had set for myself. Not like I have to prove my level of success to a pretentious soul like you. I assure you that I am in no way, shape or form envious of the goaltender in question.

Do you want to know why I call myself an asshole? Because I am an asshole… It takes someone who is brutally honest with them self to take ownership to what one is. Alcoholics, drug addicts as well as others struggle to come to grips with their issues, but not me. I accept and embrace what I am. To take it deeper, do you know why I am angry with the world? No you do not. Do you know what it is like to bury your child? I am guessing you do not…. Do you know what? I do know that feeling first hand. It is fucking terrible. That event took every ounce of humanity I had in my soul and filled me with hatred. You wouldn’t know that because you read one article I had written and wanted to jump down my throat and try to put me in my place. If you were a regular reader, you would know this fact about me… I’ve written about it. So you ma’am can take any assumption of self-hatred you may have about me and shove it right up your ass. Come talk with me when you know what true heartbreak feels like. Then and only then will you know what it feels like to walk in my shoes.

I hope that you hold true to your words of never returning, because I am obviously I am not “Your cup of tea”, but you’ll be back… Your type always do come back. You'll come back just like the people who hate Howard Stern, but tune in daily to listen to him. It’s OK; I do the same thing with programs that drive me insane. (You actually came back to leave a second comment as I was writing this… Just as I thought you would.)

1 comment:

Ktee said...

You are right I am back and I am usually not the person to go back on my word however, we all have character flaws at some time in our life we do things we said we never would. I could write you a book of all of the heartbreaking moments I have experienced but I chose a different way of dealing with them than you have. Like I said I was trying to make a point of what assumptions can do. Also I would not be a woman if I did not dispute the usage of the word whore. Also I stated it was my opinion, and your opinion of me may be somewhat accurate or not but once again it is an opinion. Also I let things roll off my shoulders because that is who I am. I would like to let you know I read all posts with joy in my heart and a smile on my face. What a wonderful world we live in where we can all voice our opinions however messed up they may seem I will never change you and you me so as my mother so often says to me, "I agree to disagree." But I do commend you on your tenacity and if we were friends this is the part where I buy you a drink and laugh at our differences but since we are not I leave you with this; "SMOOCHES, Have an awesome life ;)