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Monday, July 11, 2011

Calling all assholes!!!

          I have my son today so this is not going to be a new post of sorts, but it is an invitation! Calling all assholes is something I was thinking about for a while now. This concept involves reader participation. I want reader feedback on possible blog topics. What to you want to read about? It could be general thoughts on situations, current events, drunken mishaps... hell, I'll also give you advice if you want it (Why not? If Dr. Phil can do it...)  Also, I was thinking about a Q&A blog session. I am quite opinionated so fire away, ask me some questions, I will give just about anything a go in this forum (FYI, I will not go into the details of my divorce... somethings are just too personal). Leave your thoughts in the comments section below, on twitter, if you are friends with me on facebook hit me up there, or email me (!

 Hoping for some good feedback!

1 comment:

M. said...

Here is an example of a suggestion via Twitter.

Dee_in_the_716 Danielle Huber
@MKriegbaumJr Check out page 12 of ARTVOICE for article "Aspects of Affect" Thought you'd find it stimulating... :-P

My responses (had to use two, 140 character tweets are not enough sometimes):

@Dee_in_the_716 It's nice that autistic people find an outlet in art, can't mock that. It's the elitists and hipsters that bother me...

@Dee_in_the_716 BUT... The description of the art makes the author someone that might catch my ire... Such Bullshit. Thanks for the fuel D!