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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Borrowing Tucker's Dating Application idea... HAHA

           Reflecting back on my dating years, I’ve done alright, dated (in some occasions) some attractive ladies, even married one. I’ve had the pleasure of “knowing in the biblical sense” some other attractive ladies, and some less attractive ones… come on boys, we’ve all been down that road. But, I do not think I’ve ever gone way out of my league and hit the unobtainable home run with looks. I think I’m an average/so slightly above average looking guy, no supermodel by any standard, but OK. I’ve hovered in that general vicinity when it came to my relations, average to slightly above average, but never that "Holy Shit she is hot!" I think that when I eventually do start dating again I need to hit that Home Run, get the out my league catch. Besides, when you're divorced, isn't it all about the upgrade?
I’m a much wiser man now, more confident believe it or not (a lot of the brashness of my younger years were just covering up insecurities), and generally have worked out a lot of my inner demons which had hindered my self esteem in my younger years. I’m not sure if or when I’ll start dating again, it could be tomorrow or it could be 20 years from now. I’ll guess that when the time is right and I am ready I will just know, but in this transition period, I do have some weddings this summer I'll need dates for.  But when I do, I should probably be a little bit better prepared this go around.  Maybe Tucker Max had it right, well his dating application was to started to just get some ass via the internet, and it’s quite funny, but many people do the online dating thing now and I’m not one to go put up a want ad for myself on a dating site. So, why not on here? Well I think I might want to borrow this idea and create a questionnaire of my own. Let’s be realistic, I’m not getting any younger and this might eliminate some of the bullshit getting to know someone. Some character traits I will be looking for will be right on here. If the certain combination of answers and not correctly selected, an elimination can be made without the hassle of the uncomfortable first dates.
The first and foremost thing is that if this is even read and returned with answers, you will get some consideration. The fact that someone accepts and returns this speaks volumes of their character. This quiz is not based on personality alone people… whoever tells you that “it is about what is inside a person” have either settled for their partner or is still single… Without physical attraction there is no chemistry besides friendship. So a response must be submitted with a picture attached to Now wouldn’t that be something if the home run with the looks had the right combination of answers, NOW THAT WOULD BE A KEEPER!

OK ladies, FYI.... some of questions have the possibility of having multiple correct answers and one in particular may not count as a negative. 
1.       Name, age, location & profession… Please attach picture:

2.       Relationship status
a.       Single
b.      Divorced
c.       Separated
d.      Dating/Married (specify… it’s unfortunate that I have to list this one)

3.       Looks are important, what selection would you best categorize yourself?
a.       Rhianna when she had the Mohawk, punk rock thing.
b.      The traditional jeans and black pants standard uniform, laid back, casual.
c.       The American Eagle/Abercrombie dresses & skirts with aviator sunglasses.
d.    Fashionable, up on all the latest trends.

4.       If you were to get married, what would be the wedding party introduction song?
a.       U2 – Beautiful Day
b.      The Airborne Toxic Event – Welcome to your wedding day
c.       The black eyed peas – Let’s get it started
5.       Music Tastes
a.       Rap
b.      Alternative Rock
c.       Think it might be considered folk, like Jack Johnson
d.      Country
6.       Do you drink alcohol?
a.       Yes in moderation
b.      Yes heavily and often
c.       No
7.       If you drink alcohol, what is your drink of choice?
a.       Beer - Bud/Bud Light, Coors Light, Labatt Blue/Blue Light
b.      Beer – Craft Beers
c.       Wine
d.      Mixed Drinks – example: Cosmo’s, Martini’s
8.        Sports: Hockey is my favorite sport…
a.       Fan and will watch
b.      Will watch occasionally
c.       Not a fan does not watch
9.       Beach/waterfront
a.       Love it, go as often as possible
b.      It’s OK, go occasionally
c.       Not a fan
10.   Are you high maintenance?
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Unsure
11.   Do you smoke cigarettes?
a.       Yes
b.      No
12.   I can be an asshole from time to time or should I say I have colorful point of views. You should know this from my blogs since this is where this will be posted. Is that something you find funny, agree with or can deal with?
a.       Yes
b.      No
13.   Have you answered this of your own free will?
a.       Yes
b.      No

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