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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Beads for Boobs?

“Beads for Boobs!” This is what Mardi Gras is all about, right? Mardi Gras as we know it is no longer exclusive to Bourbon Street and New Orleans. The drunken festivities of Fat Tuesday have spread across the country bringing debauchery, foolishness and regret along with it. Here in Buffalo, people participated in a little New Orleans style parting on Fat Tuesday, but there was a twist added on to the revelry. Sure, we recognize that traditionally on Fat Tuesday, if a woman flashes her tits, you give her beads. But, what if “Beads for boobs” took on a whole new concept, such as a contest where the prize is literally boobs? Well, this added twist became a reality here in little Buffalo, NY and has garnered us some national media attention.

“Mardi Gras” most often associated with New Orleans, LA is actually a French term that translates to “Fat Tuesday” in English for those of you that thought Mardi Gras was all about drunken debauchery and ladies flashing their tits for some beads. At one point Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday had religious significance where the Christians celebrated their last day of indulgence before fasting during the Lenten season… I suppose that the drunken madness with a touch of hedonism that is now Mardi Gras still reflects its roots, but the drunken revelry that is now the most identifiable characteristic of Mardi Gras is definitely an upgrade over the religious bullshit if you ask me.

Enough of the brief history lesson, let’s get back to the issue at hand, which is “Beads for Boobs!” There were 13 bars/clubs in Downtown Buffalo who were participating in this Beads for Boobs promotion where the prize for obtaining the most beads was a free breast augmentation surgery, voucher for a nose job, tummy tuck, or another cosmetic surgery of their choosing. A portion of the proceeds from the bars/clubs participating in this promotion were being donated to the "Give For Greatness" campaign to support the arts, and also to Buffalo Hospice.

Critics are out in force over this promotion. Many of these pompous asses who are critical of the promotion are highly involved in the arts. Shouldn’t they be supportive that proceeds from this event are supporting the arts... which is in their realm of entertainment? These are the type of frauds who would be offended by pornography, but would sit through and praise an “artistic” film that had pornography in it as long as it was filmed in black & white, spoken in French and had English subtitles… Either way you look at it, it’s porn. Fucking Hypocrites!

What bothers me the most is that the opponents and critics of various topics are always the ones that have nothing to do with said events, is does not affect them at all! In regards to the Beads for Boobs event, outside of one business owner in the district, the critics I’ve seen are not associated with the venue(s), do not venture into the Chippewa Entertainment District where this was taking place and are not the target audience of this promotion. What harm is it doing them? Are these pretentious assholes worried that their daughters or granddaughters are going to be rebellious and participate in such sinful acts? If that is the case, flashing their tits are the least of their concern… these critics should stop being naïve to the fact that their precious daughters/granddaughters are innocent and be more worried about the 75 cocks they’ve undoubtedly sucked in their young lives unbeknownst to them.

Some of these critics think that this type of contest enables some women’s poor self-esteem… Well, no shit. When was the last time these idiots ventured out to notice how some women dress. Certain women scream “Daddy Issues” without even saying a word; their revealing outfits and provocative behavior which reeks of “needs attention” speaks on behalf of them. I love looking at attractive women whose outfits barely leave anything to the imagination, but even I think the younger generations are a bit whorish in how they dress.

Here is a quote taken from the Buffalo News: ““I think the overall message is here’s a shortcut to fixing something that’s wrong with you — which may or may not be wrong,” said Sharon Mitchell, director of counseling services for the University at Buffalo” What if a woman was struggling with self-esteem issues because she was not well endowed but her getting a breast augmentation would make a difference in her self-image. I view that as a positive, not a negative. If you make an argument that looks are not important and it is what inside that counts… I’ll reply with that is the argument of someone who lacks beauty so you had to find self-worth elsewhere. People find confidence and define their selves in various ways, physical beauty plays into that, I do not care what anyone says. Even the unattractive and the obese do their best to look as attractive as they can. People want to feel wanted whether it is for their minds or for their looks. These fucking critics look past any possible positive that can come out of something like this just because they object to the questionable morality of the promotion.

There are people who pay attention to topics, shows and people just because they want to criticize their target, I know they exist… I am one of them. The difference is that I find entertainment in my loathing of the targets I select. The difference is that I believe the other critics actually are bothered by what they seek out to oppose. If that is the case, don’t watch or listen! It would be like these topics that bother you do not exist. I aspire to be one of the souls moronic critics seek out one day, could you imagine the fun I would have mixing it up with them? I can…


Rick Schaaf said...

I also know of a couple nice groups of very attractive, well endowed downtown female bartenders that all went out to try to win the prize for a patient at Roswell park who recently had a double mastectomy. More proof the event wasn't whole heartedly a selfish scheme to see some areola. But who are we kidding, great marketing none-the-less!

Rick Schaaf said...

Good read though Mikey!

M. said...

That is a great example of a little known charitable effort that the general public would not even know existed! They have no idea what good could be taking place within or come out of this this event... All the critics see is black and white, no shades of gray!
