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Saturday, February 25, 2012

More "art" that drives me insane...

Strippers of the world, rejoice! What you do is no longer considered to be shameful, demeaning or degrading… It can now be classified as a work of art! You probably think I am kidding, right? You’d also think I would be joking if I told you that someone would pay $100,000 to have a “security guard” strip in an art museum. What about an idiot that has too much fucking money, does not know what to do with it, so he spends $160,000 for some fucking words to be stenciled on the floor of an art museum? Guess what, I’m not joking at all here. Both of these "works of art" actually exist as reported in an article from Newsweek titled “Buying art you can’t take home.” You can't make this shit up...

According to an article that was brought to my attention in Newsweek magazine, two elderly psychiatrists from Marseilles named Marc and JosĂ©e Gensollens ““own” a (Tino) Sehgal that consists of a museum guard slowly removing every shred of his clothes. (There being no guards in the Gensollens’ home, so far the piece has come alive only when they’ve “lent” it to museums.).” It is OK to commission a stripper to do their thing in a museum nowadays? Let me get this straight, Sehgal essentially pimps off some fool to strip in a museum to which he collects $100,000 for, which is “conducted in cash, before witnesses, without paperwork to soil its purity...” Really? Purity? Some idiot is getting naked for money and you're worried about purity? Give me a break…

This scam artist somehow came up with concept to essentially run a sophisticated stag company in an art museum, which is supposed to be a place of culture, and pawns it off as art. I guarantee that if I asked the pretentious, elitist fucks who adore this type of “conceptual art” to spend some time with me at a strip club, they would act as if they are offended at the mere thought of it. Is there really any difference except for the atmosphere within the building? Both involve people stripping out of their clothes. Suddenly, the movie Eyes Wide Shut makes so much sense to me… These fucks live in some kind of secret society, filled with perversion, cloaked in sophistication and culture.

Moving forward, the fact another asshole puts words on the floor and calls it art is a joke all by itself... but how does this grab you? You can pay a shit load of money for a piece of art by Lawrence Weiner, but you do not technically own it! Is this some kind of Ponzi Scheme? You’re essentially paying this asshole money for absolutely nothing. The Newsweek article states “you don’t acquire the lettering itself, let alone the 3-D work it implies. You buy Weiner’s immaterial idea, as a certificate that lets you write his phrase in a room”. This sounds as ridiculous to me as the Personal Seat Licenses that NFL teams in certain markets are using to extort money from season ticket holders… Where you have to buy the right to purchase season tickets. I’m not sure that I can even comment further on this crap. The notion of this floor stenciling considered to be art leaves me completely speechless. I’ll let the image from Newsweek that I've posted below speak for itself.

As I wage my personal war against the art community, I’ll continue to offer my artistic adaptations of the artistic atrocities I chronicle to show how fraudulent their conceptual pieces are. So, if you want a personalized message inscribed on your floor, contact me… I’ll do it for the cost of materials and a few beers. I'll even sign the floor next to the fucking thing. Also, for the right price, I might even know a few people who will strip for you as well, price yet to be determined. 

Reflecting back on things, I wonder who is really the asshole here, someone who is highly opinionated (like me) or the frauds within the art community that buy into and accept this bullshit that is referred to as conceptual art? Maybe we are one in the same; we both seem to push the boundaries to see how much we can get away with.

You know what, I wonder what percentage of that $100,000 the stripping “security guard” received for his performance anyway…

Here is the link to the Newsweek article:

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