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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reader submitted question... Health App Idea

That’s right folks, if you want answers for your questions, or an opinion on something, I’ll do my best to put together an answer for you. What do we have here? Someone actually wanted my opinion on something. Here is a submission from a reader that I’ll take a stab at and give her a layman’s opinion on the subject… Remember, I’m an asshole not an expert. Feel free to submit your comments & questions to I might surprise you, I am not an asshole all the time… 

Hi, I've been reading your Wordpress (Asshole note: I simulcast only the Ask an Asshole blogs on Wordpress) blog for a while, and since you have an interesting opinion on things.. I wonder if you could give me an opinion on a diet/fitness app I'm making?

For me, I think the problem with being healthy is motivation. It's an abstract, overwhelming goal. I think the best way to counter this is to have concrete, winnable games and small victories.

So, this app will makes living healthy, and fitness into a RPG game, where users earn points, and "level up' as they achieve their goals. Everytime they eat something healthy like vegetables(whole, unprocessed foods), they earn points. Everytime they complete a workout, they earn points. Each level will present different challenges.

The challenges will follow a certain structure. First will come changing your environment such as getting rid of junk food. Then, reducing stress, as stress leads to eating comfort food. Then concrete goals like keeping track of everything you eat, or taking the stairs for a week. Small, concrete goals rather than abstract ones like "be healthy" or "exercise more".

The whole point is to create a holistic framework/game so people will gradually build willpower, and to tap into our desire for achievement, concrete goals and tangible progress.

What's your opinion on this idea? Would you want to know when I'm done with it? =)

In a follow up message from Christine, she went on to say:
“ I'm making the iPhone version first, then the Android. But there'll be a website version so everyone can pretty much use it.

I'll let you know when the site/app is done, so you can check it out. It won't be until a few months when I'm done with it. Creating an app and a website is very challenging, but creating something new that will help others is very exciting!”

Thanks for writing in with your question… even more for taking the chance on an opinion from an asshole. Right, wrong or indifferent, I’ll be honest about with my response. I’ll be honest from the start here, I’m not a gamer, not even a casual one, nor am I big with the apps on my iPhone, so my opinion on this is strictly amateur. 

You could have the best idea in the world, but if people do not want to put in the work to be healthy, that idea is rendered useless. You think the first problem with health is motivation, I think it is an issue of laziness. People do not want to work; we have evolved into a lazy society for the most part. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy, it is hard work. 

The first battle is deciding that you want to put in the effort to live healthier… wanting to put in the effort and actually doing it are two totally different things. When you choose that you want to do something in life such as weight loss is when you start searching for motivation... first the motivation is to get started, then to continue working at being healthy. You can have the best idea in the world, but if people do not want to put in the work, that idea is rendered useless. 

The next issue is food itself. Honestly, I am not sure everyone wants to do the healthier options when it comes to food. Fast foods are cheap and easy fixes at meal time. Think about the prices of chicken breast, fish, fruits and vegetables which are healthier foods, they are not economical to someone on a tight budget. Eating healthy is expensive! With the economic struggles of today, many people turn to the cheaper option out of necessity. Fast Food Restaurants such as McDonald’s have “Dollar” menus to choose from and is only a drive through away. Microwave meals, also a cheaper meal option, not exactly the healthiest thing you’ll ever eat, but is ready in minutes. Notice another trend here? Speed… Many people just do not have the time to be healthy.

The kids of today and even young adults are a generation of gamers. Gamers can be an unhealthy group. They can become consumed with their video games and spend countless hours on game play. Because of this, they are taking the unhealthy, lazy route in regards to meals. Take-out and delivery becomes a staple in their diet. When I was a child, we were outside playing sports on a daily basis; you do not see that anymore and I am sure video games are a reason for that. Outside of porn, video games might be the biggest business going today. Like I had said earlier, working out is hard work… but, work is not so bad when it is fun. If you can find a way to tap into the gamer mentality of today to help with fitness, you’d be doing society a favor.

One problem you’ll face with the game aspect of your app is getting someone, myself for example, who is not into games. But, in all fairness, we would not be your target audience. I would suggest focusing on the gamers, but how do you get the gamers interested when they are interested in playing the popular games such as Madden football, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto? You are looking at a large genre gap with the gamer which is a major hurdle. 

I have an idea for you, but want to post a portion of your letter to focus on as a lead up: 

“So, this app will makes living healthy, and fitness into a RPG game, where users earn points, and "level up' as they achieve their goals. Everytime they eat something healthy like vegetables(whole, unprocessed foods), they earn points. Everytime they complete a workout, they earn points. Each level will present different challenges.”

The portion I listed above sounds very elementary, and I do not mean that in a derogatory manner. When I say elementary, I am thinking of it as an audience to focus on… Children. As an adult, this style of app might not be the most exciting thing in the world. Children on the other hand could possibly enjoy it. Why do you think I feel like this? It makes me think of a sticker reward chart that is effective as a motivator with children. Your idea as laid out is no different; it is a form of a reward system, with a bit of the Leapster Learning Game system to it.

Children need to learn more about healthy options. Parents might not be able to provide them with these lessons because they do not know how to. But, with an app like this, you might be able to get both children and parents interested and involved in the topic. As a result, parents will be doing the healthier options right along with their kids since they’re both participating. Why stop with parents, it could be a tool for teachers to use as well…

Again, I’m no expert… I’m just an asshole with an opinion. This was a bit out of my genre, so I hope you can take something out of this. When you finish the app, let me know. I'll put it on here as a follow up. Thanks for writing in and reading my nonsense. I appreciate it!

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