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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bathroom Graffiti

Have you ever gone to take a piss at a bar (or any public restroom for that matter) and seen something written on the wall or stall that just makes you laugh? I know I have, and I would guarantee comedians have found hilarious material for their stand up routines in there as well. The bathroom graffiti spans all sorts of genres. It ranges from comedy, philosophy, "for a good time call..." phone numbers, random swearing, drawings, and declarations of love… You name it and it can be found on bathroom walls.

Why not write on the bathroom walls, you have all the privacy in the world… Thus the bathroom is a perfect place to leave your mark. Some of you are fucking funny! I see some of the shit you people put on Twitter, a lot of it sounds like things you would find on bathroom walls.  I would all but guarantee some of you bastards have vandalized a bathroom or two with a sharpie.

For some reason a quote written in the shitter at Vinny’s in West Seneca, NY came into my mind today. “Eat ass, pussy stinks” I laugh every time I go to Vinny’s and see it written in the stall. I’ve seen this quote in written multiple locations in there and it’s all in the same writing. I really wish I knew who had scribed it because it is fucking hilarious. I just want to give the guy his credit for a fantastic bathroom posting and buy him a shot.  I am going to have to go there this weekend and take a pic of “Eat ass, pussy stinks” graffiti and add it to this post this weekend.

            Laughing to myself about something that I had seen written in a bathroom made me think… There has to be some funny shit written in random bathrooms across the world. I want to put together a blog or a “Hall of Fame” for the best bathroom graffiti. I need you, the readers to help me out with this. I know some of you come across some funny shit across the globe. Most of my readers are based in the United States, but I know that I have people reading across the world. I have a small but steady stream coming out of Germany, Canada, Russia as well as other countries. That’s right, I know you are reading out there and I thank you for doing so. So if any of you across the globe see something of interest written in a bathroom, let me know about it. Send your favorite bathroom graffiti and where you saw it, I encourage you to take a picture with your phone and send it too me as well. Send your bathroom graffiti finds to

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