Guys, I have to ask one thing here... What about us? Where is our day for the ladies to show us how much they appreciate us? I have an answer for that too gentlemen... March 14 otherwise known as “Steak & BJ day”! If the ladies have their day of forced romance (Valentine's Day) we as men should have one as well. is the website dedicated to this glorious day where finally, it is about us guys. (follow this day on Twitter @steakandblowjob) The following statements are taken right from
“March 14th is now officially "Steak and Blowjob Day". Simple, effective and self explanatory, this holiday has been created so you ladies finally have a day to show your man how much you care for him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name of the holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ. Thats it. Finally, this twin pair of Valentine's Day and Steak and Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder in February to ensure a memorable March 14th!”
Guys, the principles behind “Steak & BJ Day” contain just about everything we love... all we are missing here are sports and booze!
Now ladies, I know some of you view the act of giving a blowjob as a chore. It’s OK... I could imagine that it is. But, for one day a year you can suck it up (literally) and you pretend that you enjoy it for the man in your life. We put up with things on a regular basis such as “chick flicks”, terrible music, Lifetime Television Network, Jersey Shore and lets not forget Valentine’s Day for you, so one day of the year is not a lot to ask for. Find out what cut of steak you man likes and how he likes it cooked. If you are incapable of cooking or are not a good cook, I know that personally, I would have no problem cooking my own steak, and I am sure other men out there feel the same way. Now that we have the steak portion covered, you need to finish your man off with a little oral pleasure below the waistline, instead of the verbal abuse that he has probably become accustomed to.
There are also some ladies out there that have an oral fixation so to speak, and enjoy giving a good BJ... Hell, these women might actually enjoy a good steak as well. If this sounds like you Ladies, this special day, March 14th is for you to enjoy as well! Gentlemen, a woman like this might sound like a figment of your imagination like a Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster, but I assure you that they exist. If you happen to encounter one of these divine creatures especially one that is attractive... DO NOT FUCK IT UP! They are keepers, the ones you want to take home to meet your mother.
On Twitter yesterday I had asked if is it too early to start counting down to “Steak & BJ Day”. To my surprise, one of my followers threw out a fantastic idea! @buttrfly20sl replied “You can do what they do for St.pat's and have a half way til celebration.” Holy Shit! She is a genius! People love St Patty’s day and the Half way to St Pattys day has been getting bigger by the year in terms of celebrations. The Halfway to St Patty’s Day parties, keep this day of revelry fresh in people’s mind. Theoretically, why couldn't this work for “Steak & BJ Day” as well? It would garner additional exposure to this day. The halfway point to “Steak & BJ Day” is September 14... We need to promote this 'Halfway to Steak & BJ Day' date and get the word out there about this upcoming holiday dedicated to men. Let's make 9/14 and most importantly 3/14 go viral!
I know that homosexual men are not likely my target audience, but if you are a gay man and happen to be reading this, I am talking to you as well. Gay men should love "Steak & BJ Day" also... lets just hope you're not a vegetarian. There is a chance you like a dick in your mouth since you are a gay. But, its not just that... in the end you are still a man and men love a good blowjob. This day may have the potential to be a double celebration for you! So Tell your partner of this magnificent day and do your part in getting the word out!
Ladies and gentlemen alike... do what you can to get “Steak & BJ Day” out to the public eye. Lets get some momentum behind the Halfway to "Steak & BJ Day" and keep it rolling all the way through March 14th! Do it for yourself, friends, family, significant others... the more the word is spread, the more men get that day that we so deserve. I like steak and I like blowjobs and now that I'm divorced (we all know the jokes about "once you're married...") I might be able to participate in both portions of this glorious day! By the way... I like a Rib Eye/Delmonico Steak prepared well done!
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